Communication with the Media

Bad news, good news, no news – it’s often a mystery to our clients about why news organizations make the decisions they do. Our extensive and broad ranging work with print ,broadcast and web-based journalists means we understand why editors make choices about what to cover. We also know how to get them to cover (or not to cover) our clients.

Our comprehensive, regularly updated media database is used for tailored communication. We provide reporters with story suggestions they appreciate and supporting materials they value. Our personalized approach to media relations allows us to build lasting relationships with reporters and editors on behalf of our clients.

Media Training

Our detailed media training seminars are tailored for clients' specific needs and areas of interest. Seminars include an overview of media functions, public relations tools and step-by-step instruction paired with practical examples and group or individual exercises.

Media Basics provides an overview of the definition of "news" followed by introductory instruction on news story identification and development, relationship building with media members and tips for successfully contacting and pitching stories to the media.

Spokesperson Training provides activity-based instruction to prepare spokespersons to deliver key messages accurately and effectively to an intended audience. This seminar offers speaking tips for public presentations, media interviews and events, legislative testimony and other public forums that require clear, concise information delivered in a persuasive manner.


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